Lucifer Marie Salazar-Bennett was born into the non-magical world, cognizant of her distinction from humans. She was an orphan until the age of three when a benevolent witch, Lucinda Bennett, took her in. Raised in a modest abode on the outskirts of a small town in the United Kingdom, Lucifer grew up alongside her three elder brothers. From the time of her adoption, Lucifer was aware of her magical heritage, but was unaware of her lineage until she reached maturity. On her tenth birthday, her adoptive mother revealed the somber truth, divulging her past and her status as a descendant heir of Salazar Slytherin. Lucinda continued to educate Lucifer and her brothers on both the magical and non-magical worlds until they were deemed worthy of attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In due course, Lucifer too reached maturity and gradually became a student at Hogwarts, oblivious to what the future held.

nicknames: luci
birthday: 21st of november | scorpio
house: slytherin
wand: holly wood with a phoenix core 12 ¾" and slightly springy flexibility
blood status: pure-blood
patronus: russian blue cat
fav class: flying & herbology
non-fav class: astronomy
beaubaxton house: papillonlisse
personality: strong-minded, funny, creative
hobbies: flying, reading books, dancing
quidditch spot: chaser

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